“Our platform aims to facilitate the daily work of all those involved in the management and execution of services”.
Exclusive interview with Borja Duque, Managing Partner of MoveWORK.
Interview by Leticia Duque Guerro, Deputy Director of Facility Management & Services, the leading magazine for Facility Management in Spain.
In a few words, can you tell us about MoveWORK and its main areas of intervention?
Founded in 2010 in France, MoveWORK is the privileged partner of all companies that make the management of Facility Services a priority. Headquarters, Facility Managers, service providers, agents, occupants, etc., all interact and collaborate within “MoveWORK Flow”, our unified and secure platform dedicated to the collection of operating data and the management of service activities. With a deep expertise in Big Data, AI and IoT technologies, our solution is people-centric. It helps companies intelligently coordinate their activities and reveal the best of each team to achieve service performance and innovation.
What sectors and issues do you work on?
MoveWORK now has nearly 250,000 collection points managed, supervised or controlled around the world, more than 60 countries technically covered by our solution, 4 subsidiaries and offices in Europe (Montpellier, Madrid, Malaga, Lisbon) and a powerful ecosystem of partners who deploy our services to the largest French and international companies: Vinci Autoroutes, SNCF, Barcelona World Trade Center, Carrefour, IKEA, ISS, Derichebourg, Onet, Elior, Armonia, Sodexo…
MoveWORK collaborates with companies of all sizes in various business sectors. We are nevertheless more present in the areas of passenger transport (stations, subways, buses / trams, etc.), in health establishments (hospitals, clinics, nursing homes), in Retail (points of sale, agencies) and more generally in the Tertiary sector (Banking, Insurance, etc.). We support Facility Management groups and service providers in most multiservice businesses, but with over 10 years of historical expertise in cleaning, reception and security businesses. For all these players, we offer a global offer that consists of a single Cloud platform in SaaS or white label mode (MoveWORK Flow), customizable mobile applications and high added value services: user coaching, training, technical assistance, digital transformation consulting.

What makes your solution unique?
Human interaction with the environment is at the heart of our model. Effective management of service activities can only be carried out after having precisely defined the Points of Interest (POI) to be supervised. These geographic landmarks identify the strategic locations where services materialize and come to life. Concretely, a POI can just as easily represent an office, a meeting room, a hospital room, a subway train, a vehicle, a door, etc. For each POI defined, our MoveWORK Flow platform will collect, centralize and analyze in real time thousands of data, to restore them in collaborative spaces (workspaces) secure and adapted to each organization.
All workflows are digitized and orchestrated in an automated manner. Herein, our platform brings a completely new performance to the actors of the Service Chain Management: it allows an agile management of the services by a 360 ° and real-time supervision of the human activities. It helps to make the best decisions by facilitating coordination between all the actors involved in the service chain and by taking into account the multiple interactions between people and their environment.
Based on the most advanced technologies of IoT, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, MoveWORK Flow makes places “smarter” and organizations “more agile”. For the first time, data interacts directly and in a unified way with business processes. It brings a real predictive / reactive capacity to the teams. This link that is created between the environment and the work of men revolutionizes the very essence of service and offers a huge playing field for Facility Management companies.
How can businesses benefit from using your solution?
Our solution aims to facilitate the daily life of all those who intervene in the management and the realization of the services. Whatever the profiles of our clients, our platform brings performance and peace of mind. It allows better monitoring and compliance with contractual commitments, greater coordination between the various protagonists of the service, greater operational performance, effective improvement in the quality of service, more comfort and well-being for users, etc.
It is also an excellent way to promote the work of agents and improve social relations with staff. Operationally, our platform brings together all the functionalities that make it possible to manage activities (supervision of working time, traceability of interventions), pilot business processes (scripting, digitization of decision-making workflows) and manage the quality of service on an ongoing basis (quality controls, measurement of customer satisfaction).
It is open to a wide range of sensors and IoT equipment that collect in real time thousands of data essential to the management of activities: anonymous and nominative clockings, requests for interventions, customer reviews, presence detection, counting of people, collection of environmental data, measurement of filling levels, etc. Our solution also allows the design of automated BI dashboards and the editing of collaborative multimedia spaces so that our customers can visualize and manage their key indicators and also share the information they want with their entire internal and external ecosystems (dashboards, service kiosks, etc.).

So the “workflow”, as you describe it, would be the key to optimal management of facility services?
The world of facility services is changing, partly accelerated by the health crisis. There are many challenges for companies to be able to reinvent themselves, better control their costs and commitments, create innovative and differentiating services …
This necessarily requires better management of activities and greater interaction between all the players in the service chain and their environment. Digital is undoubtedly the best response to these challenges: it revolutionizes operational processes and facilitates decision-making to provide flexibility, automation and performance. It is in this context that MoveWORK Flow seems obvious: workflow is nothing more or less than the backbone of FM management. Without the digitization and standardization of business processes within an interoperable platform, it is impossible to effectively orchestrate activities.
What are, in your opinion, the main trends or developments in Facility Management?
The workplace is undergoing a major reorganization with the development of teleworking, flex-office, coworking spaces… The Covid-19 crisis has accelerated the adoption of these trends. Facility Management must imagine and offer adaptability and extension of services in order to take into account the needs of occupants, regardless of their location. It must also rethink the optimization of services to offer an ever more satisfactory service experience to users.
Another strong trend in Facility Management is to support companies in their CSR approach, in particular by providing environmental know-how in the field of waste treatment, in the management of cleaning products, technical waste, etc. All questions related to the prevention and treatment of health risks have become very important since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
At the same time, many Facility Management players will also have to deal with customers weakened by the crisis. Negotiating contracts downwards and reducing new surfaces will likely be on the agenda in the coming months. The ability of FMers to reduce their costs and offer optimized solutions will be more than ever an argument of seduction.
One of these new scenarios concerns the workplace. What changes would you highlight and what do they represent for MoveWORK?
The current crisis has strongly changed the traditional organization of the working week in companies. These have entered a phase of extreme flexibility to which the office supply must adapt. More than ever, space is a key strategic issue.
To meet these new requirements, we offer an extremely flexible and scalable service offer that follows the “Anywhere Operations” model. It is designed to be managed from anywhere, to serve our customers wherever they are, and to handle all types of contracts. Our different subscription versions provide unlimited access to the features offered by our MoveWORK Flow platform. In addition, for several years we have been deploying a strong collaboration policy with major software publishers, network operators, IoT equipment suppliers and FM consulting companies, so that our solution offers a flexible, complete and powerful ecosystem to our customers.
In conclusion, in the post-covid world, FM must be redefined around three priority areas: experience of the work environment, digitization and environmental issues. To provide an optimal user experience, organizations will need to be more flexible and resourceful, especially through technology.