Digitalized contradictory control: the key to high customer satisfaction

Providing a flawless and meticulous service is the number one goal for any service provider. A poorly executed service or a rushed intervention immediately leads to dissatisfaction. Whether on the supplier’s side or the client’s side, ensuring a high quality of service is essential.

To meet contractual commitments, the implementation of contradictory control is common. This transparent and collaborative approach allows service providers and their clients to work hand in hand. Discover how digitalized contradictory control can become a catalyst for high customer satisfaction.

contrôle contradictoire

What is contradictory control?

Contradictory control is a verification process carried out jointly by a service provider and their client. The goal of this inspection is to ensure the quality of the work provided, resolve any disagreements, and reach a consensus if necessary. Contradictory control can be applied to any type of service, such as cleaning, reception, security, or maintenance.

During a contradictory control, the stakeholders review together the results of a specific intervention and the levels of quality and compliance achieved. This control typically relies on a detailed reference checklist specified in the specifications established at the signing of the contract. Contradictory controls help in the prompt resolution of any issues related to the service provided.

How does a contradictory control typically proceed?

During a service delivery, various quality controls can be implemented. These inspections measure and monitor indicators of varying complexity, depending on the sector’s requirements. For example, in healthcare, ultra-clean environments, or the food industry, standards are strict and compliance requirements are very high.

Generally, a contradictory control follows this sequence of quality procedures:

  1. Internal Quality Controls: Before the contradictory control, the service provider performs internal quality checks. These audits may be conducted by staff or the quality manager and can include self-checks, visual inspections, tests, or evaluations.
  2. External Quality Controls: Some service companies also opt for checks performed by independent organizations or specialized third parties. These external controls provide an objective assessment of the work performed.
  3. Contradictory Control: Once the quality controls are completed, the contradictory control can be scheduled by the service provider or requested by the client. A preliminary working session should be held to define evaluation criteria, determine the participants, and identify specific areas, tasks, or protocols to be examined. If non-compliance or anomalies are found during the contradictory control, the parties must establish corrective actions and ensure their implementation.

Following the contradictory control, adjustments may be made to the intervention procedures. Consequently, this method supports the continuous improvement process for both organizations involved in the contract. In summary, contradictory control fits into a broader framework of quality management.

How do contradictory controls improve customer satisfaction?

Contradictory controls are sometimes tedious processes, but they undoubtedly enhance customer satisfaction. Indeed, this approach fosters active and close collaboration with clients. The inherent benefits of this process are numerous:

  • Development of a trust-based relationship and transparency regarding the services offered

  • Immediate resolution of issues

  • Demonstration of the provider’s commitment to quality and continuous improvement

  • Adjustment of services to meet client expectations and improvement of customer satisfaction in the short, medium, and long term

Why Digitalize Your Contradictory Controls?

The Facility Management sector, and more broadly the business ecosystem, is undergoing an unprecedented digital transformation. Technological innovations are flooding the operational world and gradually altering practices. Naturally, monitoring and managing service quality is no exception.

Digitalizing contradictory controls is central to organizations’ quest for performance. This transition enables more efficient management of contradictory controls, thereby reducing the time between evaluation and resolution of detected issues. Additionally, digital tools offer advanced features that help improve productivity: control location and customization, report automation, instant alerts and correction protocols, real-time data analysis, automated intervention scenarios… The ability to take corrective actions immediately ensures higher quality services.

Furthermore, digitalized contradictory controls provide true data traceability. Every step is recorded, accessible, and integrated into a history. Identifying the root causes of problems facilitates adjustments and strategic decision-making.

Finally, mobile applications allow parties to access contradictory controls anytime and anywhere. The integration of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and IoT, offers innovative perspectives for more in-depth assessments and increasingly informed corrections.

While the initial investment may be significant, digitalizing contradictory controls enables long-term cost savings. By eliminating paper-based controls and streamlining processes, human errors and litigation costs are avoided.

Digitize and automate your contradictory controls with MoveWORK Flow

How about digitizing and managing all this client collaboration within a single platform? With MoveWORK Flow, it’s all possible!

Digitalized and customizable contradictory controls

The SaaS platform MoveWORK Flow is the ideal tool for cross-functional collaboration with your clients and all the functions within your company. Our intelligent quality management system allows you to digitize all your controls effortlessly.

Whether for your internal controls, external controls, or contradictory controls, the MoveWORK Flow platform meets your needs. Its drag-and-drop system allows you to customize your forms according to your teams, the area or intervention being examined, and client requests. Moreover, forget about paper printing controls are locatable on-site either via a QR code or through our dedicated mobile apps.

Speaking of mobile apps, there is a dedicated tool for each profile. For your agents, the MyMissions app allows them to perform simple self-checks or send photo evidence of the successful completion of services. For your managers, MyDecisions enables real-time tracking of each site’s compliance level on a map. Non-compliance? It’s immediately identified! Finally, the MyNeeds mobile app is the perfect tool for your clients to conduct their contradictory controls. With a single click, they can access the evaluation grid and easily fill in the criteria.

Automated corrections for unmatched responsiveness

Much more than just data reporting, MoveWORK Flow is an intelligent assistant that automates all your corrective actions. In the event of an anomaly, the platform identifies the type of malfunction, its location, and its level of urgency.

The system then instantly determines the most appropriate corrective scenario for the issue. MoveWORK Flow locates the nearest available service agent, alerts them, and transmits the corrective protocol to be implemented within seconds. The manager can remotely monitor the handling and resolution of the non-compliance. This way, MoveWORK Flow prevents service interruptions, ensures service continuity, and maintains a consistently high level of customer satisfaction.

Clear, transparent, and real-time client reporting

The MoveWORK Flow platform generates clear and precise client KPI reports. Select the performance indicators you wish to disclose and quickly create customized dashboards. Depending on your needs, edit transparent graphs and provide access as you see fit.

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