gestion hospitalière

How to improve your hospital management ?

The results are in: one in six healthcare facilities did not receive their HAS certification in 2024. Year after year, the quality standards set by the High Authority for Health (HAS) are becoming stricter, and the lack of resources complicates achieving certification. However, the quality of care is a crucial factor for the survival of clinics and hospitals. So, how can you improve hospital management to remain compliant under all circumstances? MoveWORK offers a solution through digitalization!

gestion hospitalière

What is hospital management ?

Hospital management encompasses a range of practices and strategies aimed at ensuring the smooth operation of a healthcare facility. This field includes administrative, medical, financial, and logistical aspects. Its goal is to optimize the use of available resources to ensure the quality of care.

Hospital management combines strategic, operational, and human resource management components. On one hand, the leader must define the facility’s goals and identify the necessary means to achieve them. These goals vary depending on the facility’s size, location, or structure (public, private, or non-profit). For example, a hospital with a low satisfaction rate might develop plans to improve its capacity and patient care.

On the other hand, hospital management is responsible for the smooth running of operations and financial balance. The manager of a healthcare facility must rigorously oversee budgets, navigate public and private funding, while ensuring hospital logistics. Managing medication inventories, coordinating patient flows, scheduling staff, and handling conflicts—all these tasks fall under hospital management.

But how can you ensure safety and smooth operations? Without effective and suitable tools, it’s impossible! In essence, hospital management is a complex puzzle where each piece plays a crucial role.

Why digitize hospital management ?

Whether it’s a university hospital, a general hospital, or a private clinic, managing a healthcare facility is no small feat. The healthcare sector faces increasingly stringent challenges: medical deserts, lack of funding, deteriorated quality systems… Managing these issues with paper and post-its is impossible! The time has come for rationalization, both of tools and costs, and digitalization is a perfect way to achieve this.

The more services a healthcare facility offers, the more challenging hospital management becomes. By digitizing the management of their structure, hospital leaders benefit from numerous advantages:

  • Time and Efficiency Gains : Digitalization allows for the automation of administrative tasks and certain operational processes. Patient discharge management, scheduling, certifications, and inventory management can be digitized to reduce human errors and free up time for medical staff.
  • Improved Information Transfer and Coordination : Digital systems ensure greater accuracy in data transfer. Each stakeholder can quickly and securely access the information they need: ongoing interventions, area occupancy, upcoming operations, and more.
  • Enhanced Quality of Care : Hospital management technologies enable continuous performance evaluation. Your quality KPIs are measured in real-time for immediate adjustment if necessary. These tools help identify bottlenecks, aid in finding areas for improvement, and contribute to optimizing internal and external protocols.
  • Facilitated Financial Management : Digitalization simplifies cost tracking: consumable orders, provider billing, discrepancies, etc. This digitization also consolidates all information into a single tool, thus rationalizing operational expenses.
  • Improved Patient Experience : Digitalization reduces wait times and provides fast, personalized care. With digital tracking, patients can be assured of a healthy environment throughout their stay. Digitalization also facilitates patient feedback through digital satisfaction surveys.

Tools for digitizing hospital management

To improve the efficiency of your hospital management, several options are available. You can choose to digitize your quality system, operational processes and monitoring, human resources, or any combination thereof.

Among the available tools, you will find specialized software on one side and more transversal tools on the other:

  • Electronic medical record systems (prescriptions, appointments, etc.): Crossway, DX Care, ORBIS…
  • Hospital resource planning software (bed management, operating rooms, etc.): Hospital Manager
gestion hospitalière
  • Medication information systems : (prescriptions, inventory management, etc.)

  • Telemedicine platforms : Doctolib, AgoraMed…

  • Laboratory management systems : (sample collection, reports, traceability of test results, etc.): DX Labs, Pharma Manager…

  • Human Resources management software : M-RH, Florence App

  • Financial management systems : (billing, budget management, cost tracking)

  • Workflow and Intervention management systems : MoveWORK Flow

Choosing the right tools for your operation requires thorough analysis. Several criteria must be considered: integration with existing systems, ease of use, data security, scalability of the solution, vendor technical support, and customization of features…


MoveWORK Flow: The platform to manage your hospital operations

How about managing all your operational processes in a single cross-functional tool?

The MoveWORK Flow platform emerges as the premier choice for managing your hospital operations. With our solution, all activities of your hospital staff and external service providers are centralized and managed in real time.

Indeed, MoveWORK Flow collects and analyzes all data from your healthcare facility within a single database. The platform identifies events, locates them, and initiates

appropriate actions automatically based on the analyzed information. In case of an anomaly, absence, or service request, the schedules of your cleaning staff are adjusted in real time and new tasks are integrated into the planning. Thanks to its automation features, MoveWORK Flow ensures operational smoothness and flexibility, guaranteeing a high-quality patient experience no matter what.

Additionally, the MoveWORK Flow platform helps you avoid the proliferation of tools by consolidating all your indicators into customized dashboards. Whether it’s for monitoring patient flow, non-compliances, or intervention teams, this solution offers a 360° view of your facility. Stop running from one department to another; save time and access your KPIs in automated reports. For your HAS certification audits, say goodbye to stress within a few clicks, all your reports are ready. Auditors can easily review data through graphs tailored to your requirements. MoveWORK Flow stands out as an essential ally for efficient hospital management.

Digitize your healthcare facility
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