How to optimize the coordination between hospital departments

service hospitalier

Who took care of the sequential cleaning of patient room 364? Which support staff members were present for the night rounds? Where is the protocol for cleaning high-risk areas? A hospital department is like a bustling hive! Between administrative tasks, operational monitoring, and strategic management, navigating it all is no small feat. To optimize the […]

How to choose the right biocleaning cart?

chariot bionettoyage

Bio-cleaning is a delicate hospital cleaning process. Its complexity can quickly impact the working conditions of healthcare cleaning staff. Without the proper equipment, bio-cleaning agents are likely to make mistakes or, worse, injure themselves. To correctly carry out the protocols, the bio-cleaning cart is the essential tool. Cleaning products, sterile cloths, antibacterial bins… All these […]

How to choose your biocleaning software

logiciel bionettoyage

The importance of biocleaning in healthcare and medical environments is undeniable. These thorough cleaning interventions reduce pathological and infectious risks. To ensure protocol compliance, healthcare facilities must ensure meticulous monitoring of interventions. Therefore, choosing a suitable and efficient biocleaning software is crucial. Discover how to select the ideal bio-cleaning software. Why implement biocleaning software? Biocleaning […]

Hospital cleaning : Technologies serving medical hygiene

bionettoyage hospitalier

Hospital cleaning is a crucial process to ensure health safety. This rigorous technique aims to eliminate pathogens and infectious agents, particularly in the healthcare sector. In 2023, technological advancements are progressing rapidly, gradually transforming cleaning methods. To address the decrease in personnel, digitizing the monitoring of hospital cleaning has become imperative. Let’s take a closer […]

5 tips to save time with task automation

automatisation des taches

Every day, you lose valuable hours performing repetitive manual tasks. Inputting data into an Excel spreadsheet, responding to customer requests, creating analysis charts… All these tasks drain your energy and slow down your performance. The solution to this problem? Task automation. Thanks to intelligent platforms, digitizing and processing your data automatically is possible! Discover our […]

Automate your HAS schedules : more efficient management

plannings ASH

In the medical sector, Hospital Service Agents (HAS) play a crucial role in the smooth functioning of healthcare facilities. Their work is often demanding and includes critical tasks such as cleaning rooms, disinfecting operating rooms, and maintaining common areas. Their missions contribute to the safety and well-being of patients by reducing the proliferation of bacteria. […]